You don´t feel connected to yourself and your body? You don´t have enough time for yourself?


You have the feeling to be always fighting against yourself, your body and your needs?


You are tired a lot and everything is taking a lot of energy?


Stress affects your physical, psychological and emotional health in an enormous amount and therefore it compromises your quality of life. While you are struggling to get better, faster, thinner, healthier, … you can´t sense properly what your body and soul really need, how your body feels, what´s going on around you and also what´s there to enjoy.


How wonderful would be a day, where you don´t have to care for anything and anyone but you?


A day, where you have a few moments of silence, to sense into your body ?


A day, where you have the freedom to move your body with joy and pleasure, without any expectations?


A day, where you experience being held in a mindful and appreciative group?



This BODY LOVE experience is a day of embodied, collective experienced self-care for women, trans* and gender non-binary folk in all their diversity. This space is for you and your needs. It´s all about a mindful encounter with your own body and about listening deeply into it, sensing and surrendering. Independent from the shape, abilities or uniquenesses of your body: your body needs to be cherished, cared for and loved. And you are the best to do that. A few hours of precious time and space where you put yourself first, joyous movement, silence, exercises to come into your power, ways to express your inner voice.






  • learn exercises with breath and meditation for stress release, relaxation and to boost your energy
  • have space to move your body in joyful ways and express yourself
  • couples or group exercises you experience being mindfully witnessed in your uniqueness and appreciated
  • ...with different materials you are creating an object, a picture or a piece of writing, that symbolizes self-love, self-care and reminds you of your experiences during this workshop (you´ll take your piece at home with you)
  • ...we will be eating mindfully and shamelessly without diet talk, shame, evaluation or stress

Target groups: women, trans* and non-binary folk in all their diversity, with or without disabilities (the venue is wheelchair accessible)




Maximum number of participants: 12


Date: Sunday, November 19, 10:00-19:00


Venue: Vitawerk - Zentrum für Gesundheit, Am Schöpfwerk 31, 1120 Wien. 


Fee (including tea, snacks, creative materials):

Early bird (until October 15): 125€

regular: 149€

bring a friend = early bird price


We will get catering with vegetarian/vegan lunch: so please bring 10€ in cash to the workshop


Attention: your spot can only be reserved after transferred workshop fee.

IBAN: AT20 6000 0000 7466 2728

Name: Sara Ablinger

Transfer reference: "Body Love Vienna November 2017"


Cancellation policy: cancellations two weeks prior to the workshop can be 50% refunded, cancellations 1 week prior to the workshop can not be refunded. Replacing participants can be announcend.